
Fusion Reactor for Rust
Rust IDE for Atom

Cargo Project Support

Create library and binary cargo packages, manage them too.

Manage Rust Toolchains

Select and update Rust toolchains on-the-fly.

Build Tasks & More...

Tokamak supplies tasks on its toolbar for cleaning, formatting, running, testing and more... It is designed for helping your project's lifecycle.

Go To Definition and Hover over types

Tokamak allows you to see types and enables you to go to definition. Moreover it can able to find references.

File Outline

You can able to see outline of the file by the help of RLS.


Tokamak allows you to see documentation

Intelligent Code Completion

Code completion provided by RLS runs continuously. It analyzes Rust projects and supplies completions, highlight and more to Tokamak.

Code Linting

Code linting supplied out of the box with cooperation with RLS and Tokamak

токамак Terminal

Run, debug and test the code from the command line


Below are features and todos of токамак, some of them is already built in and others are on the way to be included in, if you want to implement any of these features that doesn't have icon, don't hesitate to open a PR. If you want a feature just open a issue on GitHub.


Linting the Rust code on-the-fly with rustc. Makes precompilation and show error while coding.

Intelligent Code Completion

Fast and accurate code completion via RLS shows best completion from Rust sources.

Managing Rust Toolchain

Changing and managing rust toolchains via multirust and make them up-to-date everytime.

Cargo Project Support

Enables cargo project creation and lifecycle management features.

Токамак RLS

A system helper that helps tokamak to achieve more IDE like features.


Terminal for running commands, cargo and system helper. Observing errors and warnings will be much more easier.